Bio Quality

Alpha Leaf is known for the unique quality of its bio certified CBD products. 

Our CBD oils are exceptional for various reasons

What makes the Alpha Leaf CBD oils so special?

Alpha Leaf is renowned for its distinctive quality in producing bio-certified CBD products. These products are made up of 100% natural and organic ingredients.

Our CBD oils are exceptional for various reasons, and we have compiled comprehensive information to answer your queries and give detailed insights into our organic CBD oils.

Why Bio?
At Alpha Leaf, we prioritize the "bio" claim, and have always relied on organic certification for our production. As a partner of BIOS Austria quality, we are required to meet the strict standards set by the official organic certification institution in Austria. For our CBD oils, the selection of seeds and cultivation practices are fundamental to ensure the highest quality products.

BioBloom's certified organic fields are located in the former alluvial plain of Lake Neusiedl, where the soil is rich in nutrients and stores water in a layer of clay, eliminating the need for additional irrigation in the interest of sustainability. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and heavy metal residues are all absent from the soil. This focus on soil health ensures the foundation for healthy and high-quality products, which is regularly monitored.

BioBloom employs a specially developed row cultivation technique that ensures the hemp plants receive ample light and space for healthy growth. The careful harvest and manual processing of the hemp meets all BIOS Austria criteria, which guarantees that the valuable ingredients are preserved as best as possible. The finished CBD oils are 100% certified by BIOS Austria through bio-certified CO2 extraction in a special laboratory.
Full Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum

What does full extract or full spectrum mean?

The hemp plant contains about 500 components, including well-known cannabinoids such as CBD, THC, CBDa, CBG, and CBN, as well as terpenes and flavonoids. Each component has its own function and effect. Interestingly, these active ingredients are most effective when they are combined with each other, rather than isolated as pure substances. This phenomenon is known as the entourage effect, which was discovered by cannabis researcher Ethan Russo in 2011. 

A natural full extract of hemp, such as our organic CBD oils, contains all of the plant's natural ingredients such as cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, and other beneficial phytonutrients, giving it a full spectrum. This is important because the entourage effect helps CBD be absorbed by the body in the best possible way and allows it to influence the body's cannabinoid system, which is part of our nervous system. That's why we don't add CBD isolates or pure substances to our CBD oils.

Some companies mix pure CBD substance with hemp oil (often other oils) to create a very mild-tasting oil. However, this is not as effective as a full spectrum product and is often used as a cheaper alternative.

Why do our oils taste so intense?

Our CBD oils are purely made with hemp seed oil and a concentrated cannabinoid extract, completely free from any additives. The extract carries the full spectrum of the hemp plant's natural components, including cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, and other beneficial phytonutrients. 

As we prioritize preserving the full spectrum of the hemp plant, we avoid using flavour enhancers or enriching our oils with CBD isolate to achieve higher CBD concentrations. Hence, our CBD oils have a bitter taste. 

In case the taste is too strong, we recommend consuming the oil with a spoonful of honey or yoghurt. 

We consider the unique taste of our CBD oils as a hallmark of quality, representing our 100% natural product and the highest possible retention of all its components, making Alpha Leaf CBD oils the richest CBD oils available in the market.

How important is the CBD percentage for the effect?

Alpha Leaf CBD oils are especially bioavailable and work best in the endocannabinoid system due to the entourage effect that is caused by the interaction of all natural ingredients.

The oils are extracted gently with CO2, leaving them free of any solvents. However, according to legal guidelines, natural full extracts obtained from CO2 extraction cannot contain more than 13% CBD without enrichment with CBD isolates. Products enriched with CBD isolate or obtained through molecular distillation with solvents may have up to 30% or even 90% CBD, but they are expensive and not as effective as 100% natural full extracts.

The additional production steps involved in producing these products are costly and result in the loss of valuable ingredients. The many components of the hemp plant such as cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, essential oils, and other beneficial phytonutrients have valuable properties and CBD can only develop its full effect in combination with all other ingredients. Therefore, the best price and health benefits can be obtained only with 100% natural full extracts.

100% natural full extracts
How are tests and analyses carried out?
Ensuring transparency and quality assurance is of utmost importance to us. We believe in independent analyses, which are conducted throughout the production process. For every batch of organic CBD oils, a detailed content analysis that evaluates the exact number of cannabinoids is made.

These analyses are available for inspection and download on our shop page next to the product image.

Moreover, we ensure the quality of our natural Alpha Leaf CBD oils through third-party testing conducted by ARGE CANNA. In addition to the cannabinoid profile, a terpenoid profile is also created, and the oils are subjected to microbiological analysis to detect pesticides, heavy metals, and PAHs.

What do you have to pay attention to when buying organic CBD oils?

Receiving official certifications from well-established regulatory bodies is a reliable sign of high-quality CBD products. However, it is equally important to scrutinize the CBD content of the product you are interested in purchasing. For instance, natural full extracts obtained through CO2 extraction without any CBD isolates usually contain a maximum of 13% CBD. Products claiming to have higher percentages and claiming to be "natural full spectrum" may not be truthful or might have been artificially enhanced with CBD isolates or manufactured using distillation processes. It is recommended that you review the manufacturer's website and reach out to them directly if you have any questions or concerns.
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